Class Organisation

At present there are five class units in our school, each grouped according to the ages of the children. Classes are organized on the basis of age – each child spends one year in each class from P1-P7. The numbers in each class may vary and the grouping of the classes will change from year to year. The groupings for 2018-2019 are:
Primary One/Two (21 pupils)
Primary Two/ Three (23 pupils)
Primary Four/ Five (27 pupils)
Primary Six/Seven (27 pupils)

MILK is available for all children and we request that it is be paid for by the end of the first week of each new term.

The school contains a number of children with serious allergies and operates a Nut-free policy. Pupils and visitors are asked not to bring products onto the site which may contain nuts. It is essential that food-labels are checked before bringing snacks from home and more detailed guidance about snacks and Birthday cakes is contained in our School Prospectus. In keeping with our healthy eating policy, we ask parents to ensure that only healthy snacks are sent for break e.g. fruit or vegetables. Please do not send chocolate, sweets, chocolate biscuits or crisps etc. Chewing gum is not allowed in school. In liaison with the School Meals Service, we offer a range of healthy snacks varying in cost between 20p - 40p. Pupils are encouraged to bring bottled water to school to drink during the day in an appropriate named bottle.

The school provides hot cooked meals of a high standard. The catering team led by Mrs Tierney, our cook, provides meals for three other schools in the area as well as our own pupils. Some children may be entitled to free school meals. An application form may be obtained from the school office. Details of the cost and a copy of the menu are available via the school office and dinner money must be paid for on the first school day of each week. Children are required to give one week’s notice when changing from dinner to packed lunch.

The school provides for the consumption of packed lunches. Children are supervised whilst taking lunch and parents are reminded of the need to provide healthy, nut-free food. We ask that crisps and fizzy drinks are not sent to school.

The school runs an annual Book Fair and leaflets from either ‘Puffin’ or ‘Scholastic’ are distributed prior to this event. The children have the opportunity to purchase books

P5, P6 & P7 children require their own recorder.